Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cigar Style Twist Pen Made From Padauk With A Maple Celtic Knot.
This Is A Larger Sized Pen Made for A Man.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Exotic Purple Heart Wood Stylus
This stylus features a captive ring that is loose
and has been carved from the piece of wood that surrounds it.

Padauk Stylus With A Capacitance Tip 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

This Black Walnut Slimline Pen features two captive rings that are loose and have been carved from the piece of wood that surrounds them.

Monday, September 3, 2012

This is a robust pen made from a gun metal Slimline kit.
The wood is  dyed plywood.

Olive wood stylus with capacitance tip.
 The wood for this project came from the Holy Land.

This stylus is for all touch screen devices such as tablet computers, smart phones, and even GPS devices. It is made with a capacitive tip and was turned from Cocobolo wood. This stylus features a captive ring that is loose and has been carved from the piece of wood that surrounds it.